Most of our associates live below the national poverty line, and struggle daily to meet their basic needs. Since they cannot offer a warranty to get a loan, our service allows them to build up this dream to LIVE A DIGNIFIED LIFE. ESPERANCE HAITI is there to provide hope, because WE DO BELIEVE IN THEIR POTENTIAL.


We are a Christ-centered microcredit institution that follows a biblical work ethics, fighting the extreme poverty, fatalism and animism that have plagued Haiti for centuries.


Eradicate poverty in Haiti by supporting productive initiatives that generate income through micro loans. Facilitate a holistic development of the individual using the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Impact families in their communities in the areas of finance, health and education, thus restoring lost hope to those who are most in need.


To become a leading micro finance institution in Haiti, transforming lives of the most vulnerable Haitians both materially and spiritually, through financial services and by assisting toward an integral development.


Solidarity · Faith · Work · Integrity


Francisco Guzmán

Pastor Francisco Guzman is the founder of the Biblical Trinity Church in Santo Domingo, D.R. where he has served for 28 years alongside late Pastor Dante Rafael Paz. The Lord has used him in Haiti for over 18 years, planting churches and teaching pastoral conferences and seminars.

He promoted a literacy program in the churches of northern and northeastern Haiti, enabling more than 6,000 adults to escape the darkness of illiteracy. He has been instrumental in the launching in Haiti of this micro finance program.

David Saint-Hilaire

Born in the community of Trou Du Nord in Haiti to a Christian family, David Saint-Hilaire studied at the John Wesley College in Cap Haitian and later acquired a Bachelors Degree is Certified Public Accounting in the Dominican Republic.

During his stay in the D.R. he was involved with the Biblical Trinity Church along with Pastor Francisco Guzman, who recommended David as key person to be in charge of the microcredit operations in Haiti since the program launched in 2006 as the manager initially with Esperanza International and now with Esperance Pour Haiti.

Jean Pierre Kawas

Born and raised in Port au Prince Haiti, Jean-Pierre moved to the Dominican Republic in 1976 and is married with 3 children. He has served as deacon with the Biblical Church of Jesus Christ from 1981 to 1987 and has been serving part time as a missionary in the North and Central Plateau of Haiti since 1​995​.

As of 2009, he has been serving full time in various ministries in Dominican & Haitian churches and NGO’s. He has also worked directly on strengthening the microcredit operations at the branch of Trou Du Nord in Haiti​​.


Rue Ste. Ursile numéro 46, Trou-du-Nord, Haiti.
Calle 2, No. 829, Santo Domingo Este, DR.

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