
LUCIANA WAGNAC is an Associate from the city of Port Salut and is part of “The Peace” Business Center, about 20 miles from Downtown Les Cayes. Luciana is 28 years old, single with 2 children and is an associate of Esperance Haiti since when we started last February, being now in her second loan.

Luciana sells a diversity of products such as cosmetics, food, soft drinks and more. Before becoming an entrepreneur, she was in high school and was not able to finish. During her 11 years doing business she did not have any success. But ever since she is getting the support of ESPERANCE she says she is starting to see some change.

“ESPERANCE is helping me greatly to apply discipline in my life and among my other partners in our center. I plan to strive even more each time and when I am able to get more investment capacity, I dream to start a fish selling business setup”.


Rue Ste. Ursile numéro 46, Trou-du-Nord, Haiti.
Calle 2, No. 829, Santo Domingo Este, DR.

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