
ROSE CHERY ANTOINE is an associate of ESPERANCE HAITI. She is 59 years old, married, a mother of 4, and lives in the community of BORD DE MER, Limonade, a commune of Cap Haitian in northern Haiti.

She has been an active associate for 6 ½ years. At the beginning she used to sell grocery products displayed on a table in a public marketplace. Rose says that "through the training and guidance of my credit counselor, ANNE ROSE SIMEON and the staff of this institution, I better understand the operation and mechanism to prosper in my business".
After a 2 ½ years period with the loans and support of ESPERANCE, she started a grocery convenient store…

"Following their instructions and directions, not only I was able to better manage my business, but I was also able to pay the schooling of my children and to provide food for them according to my means. I thank God that they no longer go hungry. I am not a rich person, but I am now able to meet the needs of my family thanks to the loans and support the institution has been gracefully granting me"
"ESPERANCE is not only a source of blessing for me and my family in the economic sphere, but also spiritually because in each biweekly meeting ESPERANCE nourishes us with the Word of God. According to their philosophy, true development does not happen when God is not at the center. Even while being Catholic, the faucet of the truth sprinkles us abundantly in each meeting."
"In my community there is no electricity or potable water facilities and my dream for the future is to try to get a much larger loan that will enable me to install a water treatment plant to provide pure water to our population and at the same time continue to progress in life through the support of ESPERANCE".

If you would like to help Rose Chery Antoine raise the money she needs to install a water treatment plant for her community, you can do so by clicking the red DONATE button and apply your detailed instructions…


Rue Ste. Ursile numéro 46, Trou-du-Nord, Haiti.
Calle 2, No. 829, Santo Domingo Este, DR.

donors portal

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